Black Male Explorers Program
The Black Male College Explorers Program is an at-risk prevention/intervention program designed specifically to prevent black males from dropping out of high school; facilitate their admission to college; and significantly increase their chances of earning a college degree. Middle and high schools from Tallahassee and major cities all over Florida are selected as participating schools. Participating schools are asked to identify at-risk males enrolled in grades 7 through 11. A team of school and community leaders is required to provide supportive services for the student during the regular year. FAMU provides six weeks of highly concentrated developmental experiences, which includes weekly seminars, workshops and motivational trips, during the summer.
Dates: June 13-June 30, 2021
Eligibility: males of color in grades 7-12
Program Goals: “The general goals of the program are to encourage middle and high school males of color to graduate from high school, pursue post-secondary education, and achieve academic as well as personal success”
Program Mission Statement: “The Black Male College Explorers Program is a progressive intervention program designed specifically to prevent black males from dropping out of high school; facilitate their admission to college; and significantly increase their chances of earning a college degree.”
Program Highlights: academic counseling, assistance with charting a path for secondary and post-secondary success, development of leadership skills, mental health counseling and wellness, entrepreneurship.