19-year-old Miya Marcano went missing from her apartment complex in Florida on September 24th. Her devastated family filed a lawsuit after her body was found from the wooded area near the complex just days later. The lawsuit was filed against the company that operated the complex. It alleges negligence of the Arden Villa Apartment Administration which owns and operates the complex. Miya Marcano worked and lived in these Orlando apartments.
The medical examiner confirmed the identity of the gagged and bound body found in the wooded area near the apartments. The lawsuit alleges Armando Caballero, a maintenance worker at the complex, as the killer. Miya’s body was found near the area where Caballero once resided.
Caballero took his own life on September 27th, after Miya went missing. He was believed to have accessed Miya’s apartment on Friday afternoon at 4:30. Miya supposedly finishes her shift at the apartment complex at 5.
Since access to Miya’s apartment to Caballero was provided by Arden Villas, they are held accountable and responsible for the negligent safety of the occupants of the complex. The lawsuit clearly states that Armando Caballero has been interested in Miya and made her uncomfortable.
Miya’s family expected the Arden Villas administration to show compassion towards the case. However, they faced disappointment. They were treated inhumanely by the management of Arden Villas, which no one should go through. The lawsuit demands 30,000 US Dollars, exclusive of attorney fees, costs, and interests. Trial by jury is required in the filed lawsuit.
The lawsuit also states the Administration of Arden Villas Complex kept Miya unaware of the tainted background of Armando Caballero. Caballero had a previous criminal record. He had been arrested for various crimes, including harassment of women. The access provided to him by Arden villas was free and unsupervised, which Miya was unaware of.