The House approved a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. The chamber received the package last Tuesday for the House to approve Wednesday morning.
Biden will sign to renew unemployment aid programs. The bill extends a $300 per week boost to unemployment benefits through Sept. 6 and sends payments of up to $1,400 to Americans. The stimulus check should start hitting accounts as early as this month. Like the first two stimulus checks, most payments will be sent via direct deposit to those who have their bank information filed with the IRS. The rest of the payments will go out by mail either as debit cards or checks, making it longer to arrive, potentially into April and May. However, Senators reduced the unemployment settlement to $300 from $400 and limited the number of people receiving direct payments.
“When we took office 45 days ago, I promised the American people that help was on the way. Today, I can say we’ve taken one more giant step forward in delivering on that promise that help is on the way,” Biden said in an afternoon press conference. “This plan will get checks out the door starting this month to the Americans that so desperately need the help,” the president said.
The bill also puts more money into the Covid-19 vaccine distribution and testing, along with K-12 schools and higher education institutions. Democrats have said the legislation will cut child poverty and help households afford food and rent while the economy recovers from the pandemic. While the U.S. continues to regain jobs lost during the crisis, more than 18 million people were still receiving some form of unemployment benefits in mid-February, according to ABC News.
Republicans have questioned the need for more economic stimulus spending as the U.S. ramps up its vaccination pace and moves toward a level of normalcy. They have also contended Democrats have focused on policies unrelated to the pandemic. Getting the pandemic under control has been President Biden’s main focus, and so far, he has stuck to his pre-election promise. This marks a significant milestone for President Joe Biden and Congress’ Democrats.