George Floyd’s family settles with the city of Minneapolis for $27 million last Friday, leading up to the trial for former officer Chauvin charged with murder in Floyd’s death.

The Floyd family filed a federal lawsuit against the city in July. The lawsuit included neck restraints, police policies and training, and much more. It sought compensation for special damages in an amount to be determined by a jury. A price tag can’t be put on anyone’s life, a $27 million settlement is the very least the city council can do.

In assistance to cover the Floyd settlement, the city will use money from its rainy-day fund. The exact amount of money in the fund wasn’t available Monday. The fund was maintained by about $24 million in additional revenue in 2019, supported by investment income, licenses, and permits.

“We feel that we can confidently say … this settlement alone will not result in property taxes increasing because of that judicious nature of saving the money that is necessary,” City Coordinator Mark Ruff stated.

Although this is a step in the right direction, the conviction of police officers involved in these brutal crimes is usually where we always end up losing. Former officer, Derek Chauvin, was recorded kneeling on Floyd’s neck for eight minutes and forty-six seconds on May 25, while Floyd, in handcuffs, repeatedly said, “I can’t breathe.”

Chauvin is charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter, as well as third-degree murder. Judge Peter Cahill, who is overseeing the trial, called the seven jurors already selected in the case back and questioned them about the settlement. Judge Cahill determined that two panelists could no longer be impartial as the settlement has influenced them. The other officers involved are charged with aiding and abetting both second-degree murder and manslaughter. Tou Thao, Thomas Lane, and J. Alexander Kueng are set to go to trial in August. All four officers were terminated the day after Floyd’s death.

“Even though my brother is not here, he’s here with me in my heart,” Philonise Floyd said in a statement. “If I could get him back, I would give all this back.”