Miami-Dade County has ignored Black residents for far too long. We need to do better, and Daniella has a plan to empower marginalized communities that has earned her the support of Black leaders across Miami-Dade.
Expand Entrepreneurship & Black-owned Small BusinessesDaniella will empower entrepreneurs across our community by opening small business accelerators using available federal funds and matching private dollars. The program will be modeled after the successful initiative launched in District 8 under Daniella’s leadership. Over 60% of those benefitting from the program are Black and women-owned businesses.
Major Investments in Underserved NeighborhoodsAs the founder of Catalyst Miami, Daniella believes we need to invest in neighborhoods to give every resident a path to prosperity. Daniella will reprioritize neighborhood investments so we stop leaving Miami-Dade’s Black community behind. She will build successful initiatives such as providing each kindergartener with a children’s savings account that could be used for college savings and post-secondary job training.
Police Accountability & ReformsDaniella released a 5-pillar plan for police reform, including a ban on chokeholds and a fully funded Independent Community Panel to hold police accountable. She’d also demand transparency and conduct a community audit of Miami-Dade Police policies and practices. Opportunities for Collaboration with Community OrganizationsAs a community leader and founder of Catalyst Miami, Daniella has seen the value of partnering with community organizations and area nonprofits to address our many challenges. As Mayor, she will seek robust opportunities for collaboration with area organizations to deliver solutions to communities that are so often left behind.
Wage Growth and Renewed Summer Jobs ProgramsOur Black communities feel the brunt of our affordability crisis, and Daniella knows that we need to grow wages to tackle this crisis. As Mayor, she’ll work to expand summer job programs for young people and support small businesses as we recover from COVID-19.
Establish the Mayor’s Office of Equity & InclusionMiami-Dade needs to consider equity and inclusion in every policy. The new Office of Equity & Inclusion will coordinate the County’s various economic development activities and ensure equity in County decision-making. This office would also prepare the Social Equity Impact statements for all ordinances presented to the Board of County Commissioners to provide an in-depth analysis on how policies will improve or exacerbate racial, gender, and economic disparities.
Reinvest in Homeownership ProgramsDaniella knows the best tool to close the wealth gap in Black communities is to reinvest in homeownership programs that help first-time homebuyers pursue the American Dream. As Mayor, Daniella will streamline Miami-Dade County’s many homeownership programs to improve the success rate for minority homebuyers. In addition, she’ll support expanded Community Land Trusts initiatives to make more housing available and reform the Surtax program to support more homeowners.