Two-time Emmy Award winner Mario Armstrong and tech entrepreneur James Oliver Jr. teamed up to ensure Black fathers are celebrated throughout the year.
“The stereotypes of Black fathers are bogus. Mario and I are both extremely active in the lives of our children. His son Christopher is at Julliard, and I’m co-founder of the world’s cutest twins, Zoe and Thaddeus. Folks need to know Black dads represent, and some of us are accomplished entrepreneurs with a lot of valuable insights to share,” Oliver proclaimed.
The typical stereotype has prevailed for many years: Black fathers are absent and not involved with their children. But, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collected data and concluded that Black fathers are more inclined toward their family and spend more time with their children than White and Hispanic fathers.
Oliver continues, “When I launched my first tech startup, WeMontage, my twins were born three months prematurely and weighed two pounds each, just two days before I entered a tech accelerator, which was a two-hour drive each way. I lived 1,000 miles from friends and family. I went through a lot of difficult challenges and experienced startup failure, and I want the podcast to help other ParentPreneurs avoid the pain I experienced as a new entrepreneur and dad.”
The duo not only aims to remove the stigma regarding Black Dads, but they also intend to provide financial freedom to ParentPreneurs by sharing tools and tips with the help of their newly launched podcast ‘Parents Making Profits’ available on the HubSpot Podcast Network.
The podcast is all set to help entrepreneurs grow and improve in their respective fields. Armstrong and Oliver have an actionable plan to provide weekly curated tips, dispensing growth tactics, and interview thought leaders to enable ParentPreneurs to move forward in their careers and support their families. The podcast offers practical tips and tricks on how they can start making money from home while still being a hands-on parent.