Wednesday brought victory for South-Dade! The Miami-Dade Board of Commission voted unanimously in favor of selling a lot located at 13200 Southwest 272nd Street to online retail giant Amazon. The effort was led by Miami-Dade Commissioner Dennis C. Moss who sponsored the agreement.
As we reported earlier this week, Commissioner Moss sponsored an agreement to sell land to Amazon in order to build a million square foot warehouse and employ 325 people. The starting salary for the warehouse would be $32,000 which brings a sigh of relief to South Dade. The new warehouse will serve as a hub to a Steel Mill as well as Federal Express.Amazon will pay the county $22 million dollars of which 22% or approximately $5.5 million dollars will go to the Miami-Dade Affordable Housing Trust Fund; and 75% will go to fund the Homestead Air Reserve Base Trust Fund to support other economic development in the area.
Economic empowerment isn’t the only initiative the Commissioner has been focused on. Last month he vowed to continue to serve South-Dade by working with parents, students, and residents as a Miami-Dade County School Board Member. “My passion for District 9, its schools, students, and residents have led me to announce my candidacy. The residents of District 9 need a leader who can build upon the work of Dr. Feldman and continue to guide the district in this evolving educational environment,” said Commissioner Moss.
“My record for the past 27 years serving the Miami-Dade County Commission District 9, speaks to my commitment to service. As a School Board Member I will work to ensure the physical safety of our schools, ensure that our students are safe from the COVID-19 virus, save traditional and challenged neighborhood schools, refine online distance learning, and implement life preparation skills in our curricula such as employability, entrepreneurship and coding skills.”
“During times like this, where we are facing a Coronavirus pandemic, social unrest in our streets and safety concerns in our schools, the School Board needs experienced leadership that parents, students, and residents can trust. I feel that it is my duty to step up. Our teachers need support, our parents want innovative curriculums and safe schools and our students deserve every opportunity to be successful,” added Commissioner Moss.
The Commissioner is also working on finalizing a deal to bring Miami Wilds Water Theme Park to Zoo Miami. The water theme park will serve as home to retail shops and a hotel. Another project, The Larcenia Bullard Plaza, located in Richmond Heights off Lincoln Drive broke ground in 2019 and is currently under construction.
#Amazon #Stock #SouthMiami #MiamiDade #Naranja #DennisMoss #MiamiWilds #LarceniaBullardPlaza